
The wonderful world of gingers is truly remarkable. The range of shapes and colours are many, and the uses of the plants are multiple. Many are edible in one way or another whilst others contain valuable extracts and oils used in medicine and cosmetics. On top of all that, gingers are generally easy to grow and make fantastic additions in tropical gardens. 

From $22.00

2.5 to 3m
Full sun to part shade

A large upright Alpinia with soft pink erect flower spikes. The Giant pink is a bit less cold and wind tolerant than most other Alpinias, so best used in warm protected positions.

From $16.50

1.5 to 2m
Full sun to part shade

An unusual and incredibly attractive ginger. Grows in shallow water, whether it be dams, ponds or water bowls. Can also be grown in any moist or waterlogged soil. Makes an attractive feature plant with upright tidy foliage with light pink flowers.

1.5 to 2m
Part shade

A native Australian ginger from the Atherton Tablelands. Similar to Alpinia Caerulea but with burgundy undersides of leaves. A very hardy ginger.

From $18.50

1.5 to 2.5m
Full sun to part shade

A tight clumping Alpinia with narrow leaves and white inflorescence with yellow/maroon centres. In India and Sri Lanka the rhizomes are traditionally used in medicines to remedy cough, respiratory ailments, diabetes, asthma and arthritis.

1 to 1.5m
Prefers part shade

A beautiful ginger with white striped foliage and upright shell flowers. A good hardy landscaping plant with a tight clumping growth habit.

Full sun to part shade

A cold hardy Alpinia which produces pearly pink flowers in Spring. Fairly open and vigorous growth habit.

From $16.50

2 to 2.5m
Full sun to part shade

A stunning Alpinia with large upright shell-like flowers. Very tight clumping, with tidy upright growth habit. A good landscaping plant.

1.5 to 2m
Full sun to part shade

A hardy clumping ginger with thick lush foliage with a spicy scent when rubbed. Produces upright shell-like flowers. Great as a lush under-storey filler.

1 to 1.5m
Full sun to part shade

A small ginger with thick lush foliage. The foliage has a spicy scent when rubbed. The compact growth habit makes it ideal for borders or under-storey filler.

1.5 to 2m
Full sun to part shade

This is the preferred ginger for Thai cooking. Tight clumps of beautiful lush green foliage which produces cream flowers.

1.5 to 2m
Part Shade

A lush and leafy ginger boasting large upright brightly coloured red bracts with small white flowers peeking through the folds. For optimum performance plant in a warm protected location that receives some early morning sunshine.

1.5 to 2m
Part Shade

A lush and leafy ginger boasting large upright light pink bracts with small white flowers peeking through the folds. For optimum performance plant in a warm protected location that receives some early morning sunshine.

From $16.50

1 to 1.5m
Part shade

A new release ginger with unusually long and thin leaves. Forms dense clumps which are compact and upright. Produces flowers at the tops of each stem throughout summer. Good hardy landscaping plant.

1.5 to 2.5m
Full sun to part shade

A hardy cold tolerant ginger which produces large pendulous cream-coloured flowers. A great landscaping plant.

Alpinia zerumbet 'Green Shell Ginger'
On Sale
1.5 to 2.5m
Prefers part shade, but can tolerate full sun if kept moist.

A hardy tight clumping ginger, great as a landscaping plant. Produces hanging flowers in Spring and Summer. Also makes a great pot plant on verandas and patios.

2 to 2.5m
Full sun to part shade

A nice tight clumping Alpinia which produces upright soft pink flowers in Spring.

1 to 1.5m
Part shade / Shade

A hardy landscaping plant with tough variegated foliage. Produces hanging flowers in Spring. Great under-storey filler and pot plant.

60 to 90cm
Can be grown in full sun, but does better in semi shaded spots

A tropical perennial plant with thick fleshy rootlets which are widely used in cooking in Thailand and Indonesia for their aromatic spicy flavour. Can be eaten raw in salads, added to soups and curries, and made into pickles.

1 to 1.5m
Full sun to part shade

A hardy ginger with pinky white flowers on top of green spiralling stems. An excellent landscaping plant. Deciduous in cool climates.

1.5 to 2m
Full sun to part shade

A nice and compact ginger with frilly white flowers on top of red spiralling stems. A good landscaping plant. Deciduous in cool climates.

1.5 to 2m
Full sun to part shade

A fantastic ornamental ginger with lightly variegated leaves, red stems and frilly white flowers. A good landscaping plant.

1.5 to 2m
Full sun to part shade

A great landscaping plant with stunning variegated foliage and showy white flowers produced from red cones. Deciduous in cool climates.

From $14.50

1 to 1.5m
Prefers part shade

A great hardy landscaping ginger with orange edible flowers produced from lemon yellow cones.

From $17.50

70 to 100cm
Part shade

A new cold hardy costus hybrid by Greg Jones. Usually only grows 50 to 100cm tall with almost fluorescent yellow and orange inflorescence.

1 to 1.5m
Prefers part shade

A beautiful hardy and cold tolerant ginger with variegated foliage with snowy white flowers. Good pot plant.

From $17.50

2 to 3m
Full sun to part shade

A highly decorative and unusual Costus with hairy spiraling stems with dark coloured leaves and purple undersides. Flowers rarely but is well worth it just for the foliage.

From $17.50

Part shade

A small and compact ginger with red bracts and white / pink flowers.

2 to 3m
Prefers part shade

One of the best ornamental gingers. Its large size and showy flowers make it a great addition to any garden. It flowers nearly year round, both from the tops of the stems and from basal stems. Makes a great pot plant for patios and verandas.

70 to 100cm
Part shade

This is a new release and an absolute gem of a ginger. A compact growing costus with maroon stems and undersides of leaves. As with many costus, the yellow flowers are edible and make a great zesty addition to salads.

1.5 to 2m
Part shade

The compact growth and year-round flowering makes this a great addition to the garden. Easy to grow in-ground. The yellow flowers are edible and make a great addition to a garden salad.

60 to 80cm
Medium to heavy shade

A beautiful colour-contrasting understorey plant. Waxy leaves with dark green tops and deep burgundy undersides. White and pink flowers cradled within the dark coloured foliage.

1.5 to 2.5m
Full sun to part shade

A large costus with bulging nodes giving the stems a bamboo-like appearance. Produces green cones with yellow flowers.

50 to 80cm
Part shade / shade

A relatively small ginger with wonderful velvety leaves and red and yellow flowers. A great under-storey ground cover and filler. Deciduous in cool climates.

Costus pictus (Hieroglyphica)
On Sale
1.5 to 2m
Part shade

The main feature of this hardy ginger is the banded or stripy stems. It produces green cones with yellow flowers both from the end of the stems and from basal blooms. A great landscaping plant.

From $14.50

0.5 to 1m
Part shade / Shade

A fantastic ginger which flowers nearly year round. Bright red bracts with orange flowers. Great in any garden or pot. The orange day flowers are edible which make a zesty addition to your garden salads.

1 to 2m
Part shade

Beautiful hardy ginger with spiralling stems which produces long red cone-like bracts with red and yellow flowers. Good cut flower.

Costus spiralus (Pink Indian Head)
On Sale
1 to 1.5m
Part shade

A hardy and cold tolerant ginger with dark green foliage and maroon cones which produce bright pink flowers (usually one at a time). Great pot plant or landscaping plant.

1.5 to 2m
Part shade

The real feature of this one is the spectacular 'banded' stems and long curly leaves. Bright red basal inflorescence. It's quite rare that it flowers in cooler climates, but definitely still worth it for the foliage.

From $17.50

1 to 1.5m
Part shade

A beautiful landscaping plant with very attractive spiralling stems and burgundy undersides of the leaves. Produces flowers both from the tops of the stems as well as from flower spikes from the ground.

Costus varzearum x productus (Green Mountain)
On Sale
1 to 1.5m
Part shade / Shade

A hybrid which shares properties from both varzearum and productus. Great contrasting foliage with maroon undersides. Pink bracts with green tips producing orange tubular flowers. A great landscaping plant.

1 to 1.5m
Prefers part shade

A somewhat fitting name - the pinky red colour of the flower is 'smudged' into the base of the leaves. Very smooth and tough foliage. A good landscaping ginger and pot plant.

0.5 to 1m
Full sun to part shade

The rhizomes of this native Australian ginger can be used as a spice in cooking in much the same way as its Asian relative (Turmeric - Cur. Domestica). This ginger also makes a great ornamental plant with its mauve bracts and yellow flowers. Deciduous.

60 to 80cm
Full sun to part shade

A deciduous ginger which grows to about 60 or 70cm in height. Roots can be harvested in Autumn or Winter and eaten - usually dried and ground (Ground Turmeric). Great for cut flowers.

Full sun to part shade

A fantastic landscaping ginger with bright coloured maroon stems and leaf mid-ribs. Great for cut flowers. Deciduous during winter.

1 to 1.5m
Part shade / Shade

A highly decorative plant which is great in protected areas or pots. Flowers easily during Summer and Autumn. Though this plant looks and grows like a ginger, it does not actually belong to the ginger family.

3 to 4m
Full sun to part shade

A spectacular torch ginger with dark red bracts.

2.5 to 3m
Full sun to part shade

Light pink flower spikes which usually get to 50cm in height. Flowers easily. Good cut flower. As with most of the Torch Gingers, the unopened buds of the flowers are edible and often used in soups, curries and salads in South East Asia.

3 to 5m
Full sun to part shade

One of the newer torch gingers to the scene with a dramatic red flower and spectacular foliage.

2 to 3m
Full sun to part shade

Quite a hardy and prolific flowering torch ginger which produces long lasting light pink flower spikes. The Light Pink Torch tends to be a bit shorter growing than many of the other torch gingers.

3 to 4m
Full sun to part shade

Long-lasting soft-pink flower spikes. Keep moist and well fed during growing season to get optimal flowering. Like most of the Torch Gingers, this one has edible flower buds. The edible torch gingers are commonly called 'bunga kantan' in Malaysia.

3 to 5m
Full sun to part shade

A massive ginger producing long-lasting flower spikes up to 1m tall. Keep moist and well fed during growing season for optimal flowering. The bottom of the stems and underground rhizomes tend to be quite a dark red colour. Flower buds are edible.

3 to 5m
Full sun to part shade

A popular torch ginger among the cut-flower growers due vast amount of long-lasting flower spikes that it can produce in a season. A spectacular ornamental plant. Keep moist and well fed during growing season for optimal flowering. Flower buds are edible.

2 - 3m
Full sun to part shade

A torch ginger with pure white flowers. Keep moist and well fed during growing season for optimal flowering. The white tends to be a bit less cold tolerant than other torch gingers - best suited to tropics or warm protected gardens elsewhere.

2 to 3m
Full sun to part shade

A good landscpaing plant with beautiful tulip-like flowers.

2 to 3m
Part shade

Basal flowering ginger which produces tulip-like flowers.

1.5 to 2m
Part shade

Quite a large hedychium producing fragrant apricot coloured flowers throughout summer.

From $18.50

1 to 1.5m
Part shade

A new addition to our hedychium range of gingers. Produces large clusters of peachy orange coloured flowers during summer. Foliage is lightly variegated with thin white stripes. A wonderful addition to topical gardens.

From $17.50

1 to 1.5m
Part shade

Stunning white flowers which resemble a moth in flight. Flowers have strong sweet scent.

From $14.50

1 to 2m
Full sun to part shade

A beautiful hedychium with very showy apricot coloured inflorescence. Tends to flower quite prolifically during summer. Grows well in cooler climates. May be deciduous in cooler climates.

Prefers part shade

Kaempferia elegans is native to South-East Asia and is a shade-loving ginger with round, patterned leaves and purple flowers. A lovely ornamental plant for indoors and outdoors. Plants will die back in winter. Keep moist in Summer and dry in Winter.

Prefers part shade

A hardy landscaping plant with slightly wrinkled, dark green compact foliage. Green and white bracts form at the top of each stem, which then gets small delicate white flowers. A great midstory filler in shady spots in the garden.

From $17.50

30 to 50cm
Grows best in part shade

A dwarf ginger which is tough and easy to grow with spiralling stems and yellow flowers. A great under-story plant.

From $35.00

1 to 1.5m
Part shade

Produces small light green cones which age to bright red. Usually deciduous during winter.

Full sun to part shade

This is the common eating ginger whereby the roots are used as a spice in cooking. This plant is deciduous. Its after the foliage dies down in late Autumn that the ginger rhizomes are harvested.

2 to 2.5m
Part shade

A great landscaping plant producing apricot coloured inflorescence during summer, which tend to get quite dark red in Autumn.

2 to 2.5m
Part shade

A beautiful beehive ginger producing long lasting flowers. Prefers a warm position in the garden, frost free. Flowers rarely in subtropical or temperate climates, therefore best suited to the tropics.

1.5 to 2m
Part shade

A small and compact dwarf beehive ginger.

1 to 1.5m
Part shade

A small and compact ginger producing dark brown cones with cream coloured flowers during Summer. Usually deciduous in cooler climates.

2 to 2.5m
Part shade

A good hardy landscaping ginger with quite unusual bright red bracts which grow almost horizontally out from the base of the clump.

2 to 3m
Part shade

One of the largest and most spectacular of the beehive gingers. Very attractive chocolate brown inflorescence.

2 to 3m
Part shade

A fantastic feature plant with massive orange bracts. Every tropical garden should have one of these!

2 to 3m
Part shade

A real show-stopper which is sure to make a great addition to any garden. Flowers start out green/yellow and become larger and redder with age.

2 to 2.5m
Part shade

A beautiful beehive ginger producing long lasting flowers. Prefers a warm position in the garden, frost free.

2 to 3m
Part shade

A prolific flowering beehive ginger producing large bright yellow inflorenscence in early Summer that darkens in colour towards Autumn. A great landscaping plant.

1.5 to 2m
Part shade

A ginger which produces a clear fragrant juice from the mature red cones which can be used as a shampoo and conditioner. The roots are also a valuable herbal medicine, usually ground, and used for various ailments. Deciduous.

1 to 1.5m
Part shade

Green leaves with white variegations. Reddish cones on basal stems with white flowers. Deciduous during winter.