
50 to 80cm
Part shade / shade

One of the smallest heliconias with bright red flower bracts with dark green edges. A great under-story plant in tropical gardens. Makes a great pot plant.

1.5 to 2m
Full sun to part shade

A nice landscaping plant in tropical gardens. Large upright flowers with mostly red bracts with yellow bases and green lip. Like most strictas, growth is fairly open clumping.

From $25.00

1.5m to 2.5m
Full sun to part shade

A hardy heliconia which is a bit more cold tolerant than most of the large heliconias. Flowers during Spring and Summer. A good landscaping plant.

2m to 3m
Full sun to part shade

A hardy heliconia which is a bit more cold tolerant than most of the large heliconias. Flowers during Spring and Summer. A good landscaping plant.

Min.temp: -10°C
Full sun to part shade

Delicate looking bamboo with fine leaves. Prefers cool temperate climates.

Part shade / shade

A fantastic indoor pot plant or understory plant in warm protected gardens with large leathery and distinctive mottled green leaves. It will perform well in poorly lit areas.

Up to 6m
Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts
Part shade / Shade

The Kentia palm is considered one of the most beautiful palms in the world, and is suitable for growing either indoors or outdoors. Reputed to be one of the most sought after indoor palms due to its upright elegant appearance and general hardiness.

1 - 3mtrs
Part shade / Shade

The Crimson Queen is a hardy climbing plant with lovely variegated leaves of green, pink and white. Soft pink fragrant wax flowers hang from vine in ball-shaped clusters in spring through to early autumn. Performs best in bright indirect light.

Part shade / Shade

A small fine-leafed fern with silvery white rhizomes that tend to creep along the surface of the soil or surround the pot that it is planted in. Highly suitable for hanging baskets to show off the matted web of silver white rhizomes.

3 metres
Min.temp: Sub-tropical to Temperate in frost free zones
Full sun to part shade

The bottle palm is a small solitary palm maturing to little more than 3m in height. Long arching fronds emerge from an engorged trunk which resembles a bottle or urn. Makes a great feature plant in the garden, or grow indoors in a well lit position.

2 to 5m
Full sun to part shade

An evergreen climber with deep green glossy foliage which produces spectacular plum coloured flowers from Summer through to early Winter. Best grown over an arbour, trellis or wall.

Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts once mature
Full sun

A stunning and very rare deciduous tree with a beautiful, spreading canopy and striking pure white bell-shaped flowers. It will add magnificence and sophistication to any garden.

Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts once mature
Full sun

An iconic and very popular fast growing tree widely planted as a shade and street tree. Flowers during Spring and early Summer. Deciduous in cool climates. 

Prefers part shade

Kaempferia elegans is native to South-East Asia and is a shade-loving ginger with round, patterned leaves and purple flowers. A lovely ornamental plant for indoors and outdoors. Plants will die back in winter. Keep moist in Summer and dry in Winter.

From $99.00

Up to 5m when mature
Part shade

A spectacularly attractive fan palm with large rounded leaves which are bright silvery white on the undersides. There are no thorns on these palms, so it a great feature palm in ornamental gardens.

8 to 12m
Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts once mature
Full sun

A fast growing ornamental tree with a broad canopy which produces long sausage like fruits up to 60cm long. A great tree for producing shade. Usually evergreen as long as water is adequate during the dry season. 

Prefers part shade

A hardy landscaping plant with slightly wrinkled, dark green compact foliage. Green and white bracts form at the top of each stem, which then gets small delicate white flowers. A great midstory filler in shady spots in the garden.

2 to 4m
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / shade

A stunning cycad which is considered as one of the tallest in the world. Endemic to QLD, this cycad tends to grow in moist and shady positions along creek beds and gullies. Spectacular leaves which easily get to 2m in length with glossy green leaflets.

2 to 3m
Min.temp: Sub-tropical to Temperate in frost free zones
Part shade

A very attractive slow-growing and low maintenance cycad that makes a good feature plant in semi-shaded mixed tropical gardens. Very impressive long glossy dark green fronds. Native to Southern QLD and Northern NSW. Grows well in pots.

8 to 10m
Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts
Full sun / part shade

An eye catching specimen tree grown for its picturesque patterned trunk and soft fern like foliage. Both hardy and drought tolerant, this tree is best suited to large blocks, parks and acreage plantings.

From $49.50

up to 5m
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / shade

A very attractive, solitary fan palm up to 5m tall, with large, undivided, dark green leaves to 1.5m across. Best suited to growing in areas where there is some shade. It can be grown in subtropical regions provided the area is frost free.

10 to 20m
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / shade

An Australian native palm from northern parts of QLD which has spectacular near circular leaves up to 2m in diameter. Best suited to growing in areas where there is some shade. It can be grown in subtropical regions provided the area is frost free.

Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts
Full sun to part shade

A low maintenance, evergreen clumping perennial grass with strappy leaves. Best massed as a ground cover or edging plant for lining pathways or garden beds. A popular choice for landscaping as it prefers full sun.

From $6.50

Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts
Full sun to shade

A large strappy leafed plant that grows naturally around fresh water creeks, rivers, lakes and moist gullies. The lomandra hystrix is drought tolerant and hardy, but will look best with occasional watering during dry periods of the year.

Full sun

A water iris from the swamps of Louisiana which grows best in shallow water or boggy and marginal areas. The Louisiana Iris are evergreen, tolerate light frosts, and flowers spectacularly in Spring.

Full sun

A water iris from the swamps of Louisiana which grows best in shallow water or boggy and marginal areas. The Louisiana Iris are evergreen, tolerate light frosts, and flowers spectacularly in Spring.

From $16.50

Full sun

A water iris from the swamps of Louisiana which grows best in shallow water or boggy and marginal areas. The Louisiana Iris are evergreen, tolerate light frosts, and flowers spectacularly in Spring.

Full sun

A water iris from the swamps of Louisiana which grows best in shallow water or boggy and marginal areas. The Louisiana Iris are evergreen, tolerate light frosts, and flowers spectacularly in Spring.

Full sun/Part shade

Often called variegated tapioca. The boldy variegated foliage starts reddish - pink then as it matures they turn into exotic gold, cream & green variegated leaves with pink branches coming off the trunk. Usually deciduous during winter.

Part shade / Shade

An evergreen perennial with spectacularly coloured leaves . A great ground-cover in warm climates, or indoor / patio plant in cooler climates. Prefers moist shady areas.

From $19.50

1 to 1.5m
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / shade

Dark green glossy leaves and large pendulous grape-like clusters of pink flowers. An easy to grow plant that will reward you with flowers throughout the year. A great under-story filler or patio pot plant.

From $19.50

Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / shade

A very pretty tropical shrub with deeply veined glossy leaves and pendulous grape-like clusters of pink flowers. An easy to grow plant that will reward you with blooms throughout the year. A great under-story filler or patio pot plant.

50 to 60cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / shade

A very pretty tropical shrub with glossy leaves and plumes of orange flowers. An easy to grow plant that will reward you with blooms throughout the year. A great under-story filler or patio pot plant.

2 to 3m
Min.temp: Frost Free
Full sun to part shade

Showy, lush and versatile, this fast growing shrub gives a tropical feel to any garden. The spectacular crimson red bracts with small white flowers emerge sporadically throughout the year with a mass of blooms appearing in Summer through to Autumn.

Min.temp: -3°C
Full sun to part shade

A small open clumping bamboo. Both shoots and a pear-like seeds are edible.

Min.temp: Tolerates quick light frosts
Full sun to part shade

A highly regarded slow growing, compact shrub with glossy leaves and wonderful highly fragrant creamy flowers with maroon splashes during spring and summer. An excellent hedging plant which is easy to keep trimmed and neat.

30 to 60cm
Min.temp: Tolerates light frost
Part shade / shade

A highly sought after fern with attractive glossy strappy leaves which resemble that of a crocodile skin. Its a hardy, easy to grow fern suitable for partly shaded garden beds. Can also be grown as a pot plant on verandas or brightly lit spots indoors.

Part shade / Shade

Upright flat 'strappy' fronds with fully crested tops and frilly edges. A Queensland native fern, suitable for part shade to full shade. A very easy to grow and hardy ground cover, or specimen pot plant - indoors or out.

From $65.00

Part shade

A hardy and easy to grow orchid. Blooms are light pink with deep pink/purple spots with strong and robust stems. Likes warm humid conditions. Good indoor plant and great cut flower.

60 to 100cm
Part shade / Shade

An evergreen rhizomatous creeper which makes a great ground cover or filler in moist shady areas of a garden. The long strappy ribbed leaves make it an ideal addition to tropical gardens. It produces very small yellow flowers year around.

From $17.50

30 to 50cm
Grows best in part shade

A dwarf ginger which is tough and easy to grow with spiralling stems and yellow flowers. A great under-story plant.

8 - 12m
Min.temp: Frost free
Full Sun

A highly sought after conical tree with long pendulous leaves that cover the branches and trunk almost to the ground. Perfect as a vertical accent tree when space is limited, or mass plant as an eye-catching informal hedge.

3 - 5m
Min.temp: Frost tender
Full sun to part shade

Highly aromatic, spicy foliage with notes of citrus. Leaves are best harvested when fresh and often used in curries, chutneys & pickles. Can be used as a screening or ornamental tree and are ideal for a scented garden.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun

Beautiful light green culms and soft fine-leafed foliage. Needs good growing conditions and well drained soil in order to grow well. The new shoots are among the best for eating, so good in fact, that they can be eaten raw.

Min.temp: 0°C
Part Shade / shade

A beautiful bamboo native to Australia (Iron Ranges, Cape York peninsula) and New Guinea. It is tight clumping with very large leaves. Prefers some shade or warm protected areas. Does not tolerate frost.

Part shade / Shade

An attractive ground cover or pot plant. A clumping growth habit with long strappy arching leaves. Flowers during Spring and Summer. Even if its not in flower, the dark green foliage makes for very elegant displays.

From $27.50

Part shade

A highly sought after medium sized bromeliad with glossy light green leaves with white margins and heavy pink speckles throughout. Does best in bright filtered light.

Neoregelia 'Fire Ball'
On Sale

Now from $15.00

Full sun to part shade

A bright red coloured bromeliad that will form clusters of pups. Grow it in bright light for maximum red-hot look. Outstanding in landscape, hanging baskets and will even grow up a tree trunk.


A beautiful fern with soft, fluffy bright green fronds. The fern can be planted indoors or outdoors in containers or hanging baskets.

Part shade

This spectacular orchid produces huge cascading sprays of flowers in shades of vibrant yellow and muted browns. It will add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any patio or garden.

Min.temp: -9°C
Full sun to part shade

Open clumping with weeping culms. Very fine leaves

1 - 2m
Full sun to part shade

A fast growing, soft stemmed evergreen shrub which flowers profusely during the warmer months with bright, upright yellow bracts and white flowers. Benefits from a hard prune periodically to maintain desired shape.

1 to 1.5m
Min.temp: Frost free
Full sun to part shade

A very hardy and decorative plant with long green & gold strappy leaves spiralling from a branching trunk. A great under-story plant which will grow in areas with high root competition (ie. under palms, bamboo, etc). Smooth leaves without spines.

Min.temp: Tolerates light frost
Full sun

An ornamental grass with burgundy foliage and long feathery flowers held high above the foliage. Best grown in full sun to get the good red colour.

Part shade

A popular new cultivar with large leaves marked in shimmery silver and grey. A stunning bold stripe gives the appearance of watermelon skin. Grows well in bright indirect light.

Part shade

A beautiful new cultivar with metallic curved silver foliage and stunning red undersides. Grows well in bright indirect light. Pinch out the stem tips when the plant is overgrowing to keep it in shape.

1 to 4m
Part shade / Shade

An easy to grow and cold tolerant philodendron with a slow climbing tendency. Stems and new emerging leaves are bright red which darken as they get older. If allowed to grow up a tree trunk or palm, it will add a fantastic rainforest feel to your garden.

Part shade / shade

A low growing clumping hybrid philodendron with dark green, almost black leaves. New emerging leaves are a beautiful glossy bronze colour. Great low-growing understory plant in shady gardens.

60 to 80cm
Part shade / Shade

One the best philodendrons for pot plants, borders, or under-story fillers. The Chinese Congo has a nice short and full growth habit, which will not climb. A hardy plant which requires minimal maintenance.

1 to 1.5m
Part shade / Shade

Dean McDowell is a truly beautiful philodendron valued for its large ruffled heart shaped leaves with prominent white veins. Performs best in bright indirect light when grown indoors or in a protected shady spot in the garden.

Part shade / Shade

A robust philodendron with thick glossy green leaves. This philodendron is an excellent low maintenance under-storey filler or indoor pot plant.

Part shade / shade

A fantastically bright, almost fluorescent green philodendron with a low clumping growth habit. A great colour contrast plant for shady spots in the garden. Best in positions where there is no direct sun. Dappled sun or very early morning sun is ok.

1 - 3m
Part shade / shade

As the name suggests, this climbing philodendron truly is as pretty as a princess. Each leaf has individual splashes of colour in varying shades of pink and green. Grow indoors in bright indirect light to enhance the colours.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

Philodendron Prince of Orange is a hybrid self heading philodendron, with beautiful coppery - orange leaves that turn into a dark and muted olive green as they mature.

Part shade / Shade

An interesting self heading philodendron with long dark-green creased leaves. The ribbed leaves and unusual texture makes this philodendron a stunning understory plant or indoor pot plant.

1 to 4m
Part shade / Shade

A real collector philodendron with very long narrow leaves which can easily reach 50cm in length. Has a slow-climbing growth habit, so will benefit from a tree trunk, stump or totem to climb on. Mature leaves are very dark green with heavy veining.

From $18.50

50 to 80cm
Part shade / Shade

Very distinct heart-shaped leaves with a shimmering dark green velvety appearance. A must-have for any plant enthusiast or aroid collector. Grows well in protected positions in the garden and makes excellent indoor pot plants.

Part shade / Shade

An unusual philodendron with silver, almost metallic-looking foliage. Has a strong climbing habit, so needs a post, log, trellis, or tree to grow on. Makes great indoor displays or window plant.

50 to 80cm
Part shade / Shade

A somewhat rare and unusual philodendron with big fat chucky stems and glossy green leaves. A great indoor pot plant or garden specimen for areas with dappled sun or bright indirect light. A real collectors item for aroid lovers!

1 - 3m
Filtered sun / shade

A unique philodendron due to its very distinct stems covered in fuzzy red ‘hairs’, also known botanically as pubescence. An eager climber best grown up a totem or tree to show its true shape. Can also be grown indoors in bright indirect light.

70 -90cm

An epiphytic fern which produces long branches which usually emerge erect, but will eventually droop down. Grows best in warm sheltered positions with good humidity and natural airflow. Well suited to hanging baskets in bathrooms or ferneries.

Min.temp: -20°C
Full sun

A large running bamboo with excellent quality timber and shoots. Native to China, this species is the most common source of bamboo timber in China for manufacturing and bamboo textiles. Grows best in temperate climates, or cool sub-tropical regions.

Min.temp: -10°C
Full sun to part shade

A beautiful black stemmed running bamboo. A great bamboo for large pots and planter boxes. Grows best in Temperate climates - so best suited to southern parts of Australia.

Up to 6m
Min.temp: Frost free
Tolerates some full sun

An elegant clumping palm with light coloured trunks which can be used as a feature, as well as mass planted to provide privacy screening. A good alternative to the common Golden Cane Palm. Best in light shade or protected positions with morning sun.

Part shade

Bring the the deep tropical rainforest look to your backyard. Attach to any tree, log, palm or wall. We sell these in pots. Remove pot and tease out the roots, then use a wide strap or strip of shadecloth to tie to tree or log.

Min.temp: -10°C
Full sun to part shade

An outstanding low growing running bamboo with lush green foliage . A great bamboo for pots and planter boxes, or planted in ground as a ground cover.

Min.temp: -10°C
Full sun to part shade

An outstanding low growing running bamboo with golden green foliage . A great bamboo for pots and planter boxes, or planted in ground as a ground cover.

Part shade

Tough foliage plant with purple backed leaves and unusual wheat coloured flowers. A beautiful accent plant in any tropical garden or pot plant on patio or verandah.

Up to 5m
Full sun to part shade

Plumeria pudica is a very fast growing evergreen frangipani. It features deep green foliage and iridescent white non-perfumed flowers. It flowers throughout spring & summer with a very long flowering season. Can be pruned to keep a desired shape.

30 to 40cm
Full sun to part shade

A compact and bushy small grass, excellent for edging around rock gardens and is especially good around ponds where it gets plenty of water.

Full sun to part shade

A nice soft grass which grows in tight clumps. Great for borders, rock gardens, around ponds and water-features.

60 to 80cm
Full sun

Clusters of highly fragrant showy white flowers rise from clusters of grass like clumps during summer and autumn. Very popular among florists as cut flowers, traditionally used in wedding bouquets. Can be grown in garden or in pots in full sun.

up to 5m
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade

A lovely multi-stemmed palm from Cape York. A great addition to tropical gardens. The Macarthur Palms prefer a rich moist loamy soil with good humidity - moderately shaded areas in amongst lots of other tropical foliage plants is ideal.

1 to 3m
Min.temp: Tolerates quick light frosts
Part shade / shade

A very attractive slow growing multi-stemmed palm with large fan shaped variegated leaves. A fantastic indoor pot plant. In tropical and subtropical climates it can be grown in sheltered positions in the garden.

3 to 4m
Min.temp: Tolerates quick light frosts
Part shade

A very attractive slow growing multi-stemmed palm with large fan shaped leaves. A fantastic indoor pot plant. In tropical and subtropical climates it can be grown in sheltered positions in the garden.

Full sun to part shade

Grown for its spectacular blood-red inflorescences made up of fiery, star-shaped florets and golden-tipped stamens.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun to part shade

The epitome of tropical gardens. Erect bright yellow culms with green stripes and large yellow striped leaves. Very beautiful.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun to part shade

An unusual looking bamboo with long pendulous culms which tend to splay out over the surrounding area. Looks great when allowed to drape over river banks, rock ledges, etc. If there is a nearby tree or rock wall, the culms can have some climbing tendency.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun to part shade

Thin walled beauty with yellow culms and green stripes.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun

A fantastic ornamental bamboo. The slightly rough green culms with slender weeping tops makes this bamboo a great centerpiece.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun to part shade

A nice smaller, green culmed, bushy bamboo with large leaves. Great as a small feature or privacy screen. Long, thin-walled internodes used for flute making.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun to part shade

An ornamental, tight clumping bamboo with long internodes.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun

One of the largest schizostachyums and a beautiful ornamental bamboo with very large leaves. The timber is thin walled and straight, widely used in the Phillipines for making matting woven from thin strips of bamboo.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun to part shade

This is a native Australian bamboo with straight upright culms and branchless lower section. Being tight clumping this bamboo creates a good screen for areas with limited space.

Min.temp: -2°C
Full sun to part shade

A nice, tight clumping garden bamboo with straight culms, branch free lower part and nodding tops, useful timber and edible shoots.

1m - 2m
Part shade

This scindapsus features dark green heart shaped leaves splashed with iridescent silvery grey, giving them a satin sheen. You'll see the best leaf colour and variegation by keeping it in bright, indirect light. Great for totems or hanging baskets.

1 to 1.5m
Min.temp: -10°C
Full sun to part shade

A particularly unique small running bamboo with small oval shapes leaves. A great bamboo for pots and planter boxes. Resistant to the mites which plague so many of the running bamboo species.

From $22.50

1 to 2m
Min.temp: -10°C
Part shade

A fantastic bamboo for planter boxes, troughs and pots. The long thin elongated leaves gives the bamboo a really great look. Does best in slightly shaded areas. This is a running (spreading) bamboo, so best for planting in containers or planter boxes.

40 to 50cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade

A fairly easy to grow landscaping plant and ornamental pot plant. Grows best in well drained soil in partly shaded positions. Will flower almost year-round in warm climates. May die down during winter in cool climates.

40 to 50cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade

The Mellow Yellow is a new hybrid Spathoglottis.An easy to grow terrestrial orchid, great as a landscaping plant and ornamental pot plant. Will flower almost year-round in warm climates. May die down during winter in cool climates.